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Iron Castings - Feb 26, 2024

Gate and Spure Conveyor Improves Plant 4 Uptime, Workplace

Mary Schmidt | Waupaca Foundry


任务很明确:4号厂的工程和维护团队要升级 在2023年假期停工期间,在两周内运输球墨铸铁浇口和浇口的摇床系统.

内部工程和维护团队于2022年开始规划资本项目,目标是解决与设备相关的所有已确定的挑战, including material congestion, noise, dust generation, downtime, and rising costs.

Planning started in 2022. 资本项目需要内部工程团队数月的精心规划,以减少停机时间, enhance production efficiency, and improve worker safety and health. Jarrod Osborn, vice president of manufacturing engineering for Waupaca Foundry, 强调了项目前期准备和计划的重要性. 由于所涉及的工作范围广泛,这一点尤为重要, especially within the defined shutdown and installation window.

最初的振动振动筛系统在威尼斯注册送38元安装于1992年, more than 30 years ago. 该系统位于6条球墨铸铁铸造成型生产线的下游,负责将浇口和浇口材料分离并运送到料场进行再利用. However, 这些设备已经到了使用期限,不能再满足需求了.

The system faced frequent jams caused by gates and sprues. 这些交通堵塞问题特别严重,因为当交通堵塞发生在线路附近时, it would bring production to a halt, which was continuative to uptime and delivery. The legacy shaker system was loud, 在球墨铸铁落砂区,输送浇口和浇口物料时产生的振动将绿豆和模具上的粉尘踢起. Moreover, 振动筛被放置在所有六条生产线下方的一个坑中,由于难以接近和空间狭窄,给维护团队带来了挑战.



After extensive investigation, multiple site visits, and thorough planning, 解决方案是用Magaldi的两个平行超级带式输送机系统取代现有的振动系统. Unlike the vibrating system, 新的输送系统被设计成以不同的速度轻轻地移动材料.

但这种转变并不像简单地拆除一件设备并在同一空间安装新设备那样简单. According to Rob Jezwinski, “We had the option to cram the new system in the existing space, but working on it would have been a nightmare.”

With the implementation of the new conveyor system, 威尼斯注册送38元抓住了这个机会,为维护团队提供了有效、舒适地执行设备相关任务的空间.

The engineering team, led by Engineering Managers Kris Olynick and Rob Jezwinski, 在其安装计划中精心确定了近300个行动项目,并通过生成现有区域的3d扫描启动了资本项目. 这些扫描证明了将新的输送系统无缝安装到现有工厂足迹中的最关键优势.

“When we started this project, there were no models, 关于设备和建筑布局的文件很少,” Kris Olynick, project engineer. “我们花了很多时间在植物建模上,从无到有建立了该地区的3d模型.” The scans were used to plan the new equipment layout, existing equipment modifications, building modifications, installation access points, and determine fits between equipment.

奥利尼克说:“斯科特·菲尔丁和我花了无数个小时来研究这个项目的细节. “We meticulously identified steps, identified pitfalls of each step, measured and remeasured, planned any prework we could to remove labor from the installation, and walked through every single step of the process multiple times.”

To meet the installation goal, Olynick, Jezwinski, and team made major renovations to the space inside the plant:

  • 拆除遗留设备涉及切割进入坑的接入点,以拆除现有的混凝土.

  • Two DIDION Rotary Media Drums® were relocated.

  • 管道位置和管道系统重新定位以适应新系统.

  • Arriving from Italy, 该输送系统于2023年11月底在15个40英尺的集装箱中运输.

  • 尽管天气条件恶劣,新系统还是在室外安装.

Brandon KruseMagaldi Technologies的总经理,在现场进行了大部分的安装. 他说,在这么短的时间内,拥有内部工程师在规划和安装新系统方面发挥了很大的作用.

“Kris spent every other weekend at the plant for a good part of the year planning out column relocations, relocations for conduit, pipework, ductwork, sand conveyors, and everything you could imagine,” Kruse said.

“拥有一个非常熟悉项目的内部人员是一个巨大的优势, especially Kris and his team,” Jezwinski said.

The Magaldi超级带式输送机系统被确定为最佳解决方案,因为用于移动浇口和浇口材料的输送带具有跟踪废料高度的传感器,以控制输送带的速度. And, because the system is not vibrating, it reduces noise and dust in the work area, creating a safer working environment for team members.

“所有这些都消失了,因为你不用把铸件砸在振动的输送机甲板上,” Kruse said.

新系统预计可将洗井区域的维护停机时间减少50%,并可抵消不断上升的维护和能源成本. 但比底线更重要的是,该系统将通过减少噪音和灰尘来改善工作环境,并使维护团队更安全, easier access to the conveyor.

新系统预计将显著减少输送机维护停机时间高达50%, offsetting rising maintenance and energy costs. Beyond financial benefits, 该系统将对环境健康和安全(EHS)产生深远影响,降低噪音和粉尘水平. Additionally, it will provide safer and easier access to the conveyor, 进一步有助于改善维修工作条件和操作效率.

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